Thursday, August 30, 2007

Debugging AJAX with Fiddler

By default, IE & Fiddler won't track HTTP traffic through localhost - a pain when developing locally.

A few work arounds - if using localhost, the easest is to acces it as below:
with a "." after localhost. You can also use your machine name.

Taking a look at the differences between web service calls & update panels prompted this - interesting to see the differences in data being passed back. Nothing comes for free, and although UpdatePanels are really easy to implement they do have performance concerns (above and beyond the page going through its entire life cycle).

I then watched the below video, where they point out the Fiddler issue which would have been nice to have known before I hunted for it myself.

If you haven't checked out the videos above, you owe it to yourself to do so. Excellent stuff.

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